K Cross Ranch , Eddy County , Carlsbad, NM - For Sale

Price: $ 8,500,000

Nick Cortese
[email protected]

Property Type: Ranches
House Type: Ranch

The Property:

The K Cross Ranch is in Eddy County New Mexico in the rolling hills of the Guadalupe Mountains.

The ranch consists of the following acreages:

4870+ Deeded acres

Along with two BLM Allotments

NM 78063 Burro Hill 370 Head of Cattle

NM 78064 Cawley Draw 460 Head of Cattle

(Approximately 44,000 acres in the allotments)

Terrain & Vegetation:

The terrain is open rolling to flat with many large draws along the drainages. The grass on the ranch consists of mainly Grama along with salt grass, tabosa and many other species in the draws. The ranch is fairly clean of brush in comparison to other ranches in the immediate area.


The ranch is watered very well with 8 wells and many miles of pipeline furnishing water to a lot of storage tanks and numerous drinkers. There are also dirt retention ponds all around the ranch.

Livestock Operation:

The livestock operation as allotted by the BLM is a total of 830 head of cattle. At the present time the owner has reduced the numbers some, although there have been some good rains on the ranch this year and the country looks very good with an abundance of grass so the numbers could be increased as you as the new owner sees fit.


The improvements on the ranch are very good.  The headquarters, located in the center of the ranch, consist of 1 large owner/manager home along with two other homes at the headquarters. The headquarters also has a new metal building that is 125’ by 40’ with four open bays with two of those having cement floors and one enclosed bay/shop.  There are abundant pipe corrals along with a feedlot at the headquarters.  On the ranch at many strategic locations the present owner has put pipe corrals to facilitate the branding and working of the cattle without having to bring them to headquarters.


A large number of Antelope and Mule Deer are located on the ranch along with other game species such as Quail and Dove.  There are also coyotes, badger and other predator types of species located there also.

Broker Notes:

This ranch will pleasantly surprise you when you come to look.  The access is very good with a well-maintained county paved road accessing the property.  Not just the access but the quality of the ranch is surprising.  From the clean rolling hills with abundant grass to the large draws with excellent grazing to the water supply the ranch keeps surprising.  This ranch is one that needs to be seen to appreciate.

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